Today, March 9th is #NationalGetOverItDay!
Don’t sweat the small stuff any longer!
Settle the score with yourself and take a load off your shoulders!
Say goodbye to worrying about the “if onlys” and “what ifs” and look forward to each day with a more positive attitude!
Be thankful for being alive today!
Smile at yourself in the mirror first thing in the morning and last thing at night!
Get over that worry that has been nagging you for days and/or weeks!
If something trivial has been weighing on your mind, get over it today and use #NationalGetOverItDay to post on social media!
Do you know the other daily holidays that fall on March 9th? Here is the list that we know of and we invite you to share others you are aware of in the comments on social media so we can all celebrate!
AAPI Women's Equal Pay Day
Amerigo Vespucci Day
Bang-Clang Day
Barbie Day
Discover What Your Name Means Day - March 9, 2022 (Wednesday of First Full Week which is Celebrate Your Name Week)
False Teeth Day
Joe Franklin Day
National Crabmeat Day
National Meatball Day
National Panic Day
No Smoking Day (U.K.) - March 9, 2022 (Second Wednesday in March)
Registered Dietitian Day - March 9, 2022 (Second Wednesday in March)
